Atanas K. Stefanov

Myself holding a metal Soviet-era sign in Bulgarian. "Work not only with your hands,
use your heart and mind's commands"

Pleased to meet you. I am a PhD student at Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and I am involved in the detection of rocky exoplanets around cool dwarf stars. I have a strong technical background in system programming, and my long-term objective is to develop a multitude of astrophysical tools that can be used with diverse sources of data.

I graduated at University College London with a First-Class Honours degree. While in university, a fellow undergraduate and I made an independent discovery in the field of cataclysmic variable stars. I have two other observational contributions: a spectroscopic confirmation of a supernova and observations of a possible dwarf nova. I happen to be currently involved in several projects of various nature, in which I contribute to the algorithmic/modelling line of work at least.

Welcome to my humble webspace, where I share what problems trouble me in academic and non-academic settings. Feel free to reach me on my personal e-mail, which is of the same domain, but at gmail dot com. Please get in touch with me if you wish to reuse or redistribute any of my original material. You can call me Nasko, or Nas for short.

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